Interview with Speaker Kathy Krevat

Interview with Speaker Kathy Krevat

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Kathy Krevat and San Diego Writers Festival   SDWF: Tell us about The Gourmet Cat series  KK: The Gourmet Cat books are humorous murder mysteries featuring Colbie Summers, a single mom and owner of Meowio Batali, an organic cat...
Interview with Speaker Rich Farrell

Interview with Speaker Rich Farrell

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Rich Farrell and San Diego Writers Festival   SDWF: What inspired you to write The Falling Woman: A Novel?  RF: As a former pilot, I wanted to explore my fascination with flying in a story. But the more I tried to write my story,...
Interview with Speaker Cheryl Sonstein

Interview with Speaker Cheryl Sonstein

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Cheryl Sonstein and San Diego Writers Festival   SDWF: Please tell us about Isabel.  CS: The story that became Isabel was originally written for VAMP (an acronym for visual audio monologue performance.) VAMP is a monthly...
Interview with Speaker Joe Ide

Interview with Speaker Joe Ide

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Joe Ide and San Diego Writers Festival   SDWF: What inspired you to write the book, Hi Five, with one of the main characters, Christiana, having multiple personalities?  JI: I happened to watch Three Faces of Eve and Sybil in the...
Interview with Speaker Neal Griffin

Interview with Speaker Neal Griffin

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Neal Griffin and San Diego Writers Festival SDWF: Tell us about your upcoming book, The Burden of Truth  NG: The Burden of Truth tells the story of a young man named Omar Ortega, a fictional character, but during my twenty-seven...
Interview with Speaker Carl Vonderau

Interview with Speaker Carl Vonderau

Q & A with Summer Festival Speaker Carl Vonderau and San Diego Writers Festival SDWF: Tell us about Murderabilia, and how it synthesizes the seemingly contradictory parts of your life from private bank, to serial murders, to a Christian Science upbringing.   CV: I...