Dear book lover, storyteller, creator, writer, or secret dreamer, What will you find at this year’s festival? You may have seen the phrase—over 100 speakers, 50 stellar events, one day—or heard about inspiring entertainment, including The Naruwan Taiko Drummers, DJ...
Get ready to celebrate two decades of literary excellence at the San Miguel Writers’ Conference & Literary Festival! This renowned gathering of writers, readers, and creatives from around the globe takes place in the heart of Mexico’s most magical city—San...
Interview by Diane Gottlieb Diane: Congratulations on your wonderful book “All the Bad Girls Wear Russian Accents” and on your winning the 2024 San Diego Writer’s Festival Poetry Collection of the Year! You’re a woman of several countries and languages. In the...
As an Earth-centered psychotherapist, writer, and Nature lover, I’m often asked about writing in nature. It occurred to me that this question is another perfect opportunity to shift our thinking about our relationship with the other beings we refer to as nature. Many...
We authors have it tough, don’t we? Challenges range from writers block to rejections, and there’s always something to, well, write. So when some “expert” recommends putting together a digital author press kit, many of us tune out. That’s a mistake. The media is drawn...
American Confidential, Tennessee Williams, and the Role of Place By Deanne Stillman My books are generally place-based stories of war and peace in the real and mythological West. In my view, the personal isn’t just political, as the saying goes, it’s geographic as...