Invest in the Festival and support San Diego’s vibrant writing community
Be a Sponsor in 20252025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Festival Presenting Partner
- Exclusivity: Exclusive right to official Festival partner designation. San Diego Writers Festival brought to you by…(your name here). Attendance for two at Keynote dinner.
- Premier Brand Exposure: Company name/logo on:
- all festival signage: event map, festival banners, all venue rooms, sponsored area at entrance
- festival marketing materials: logo included on promotional posters, event schedule, tote bags, volunteer T-shirts, bookmarks, and postcards;
- festival website = exclusive home page advert (half page); featured at the top of our exhibitor page and festival schedule page;
- social media: logo included on social media headers and Festival event promotions Threads, Instagram, and Facebook.
- print advertisements;
- right to blanket festival spaces with banners and logos (subject to prior approval)
- Festival Sponsor booth 10×10 at event entrance
- Recognition: Promotional mention/introduction of your company preceding and following every event; opportunity to introduce one speaker of your choice.
- Media: An up-close-and-personal interview/article that features you to be posted on our website and pushed out across our social media channels.
Keynote Presenting Partner
- Exclusivity: Exclusive right to official keynote partner designation (2 events). Attendance for one at Keynote dinner.
- Brand Exposure: Company name/logo on:
- festival signage: event map, keynote event venues (2),
- sponsorship booth (10×10) in prime location
- festival marketing materials: promotional posters, event schedule, tote bags, and volunteer T-shirts, lanyard branding
- festival website (quarter page ad on exhibitor page and schedule page);
- social media- your logo included on Keynote speaker event graphics (Threads, Instagram, and Facebook feeds).
- Recognition: Promotional mention/introduction of your company preceding and following two keynote events; opportunity to introduce one keynote event.
- Media: An up-close-and-personal interview/article that features you to be posted on our website and pushed out across our social media channels.
Venue Sponsors
- Brand Exposure:
Company name/logo on:
- Official sponsor of one venue
- festival marketing materials (promotional posters and schedule)
- festival website (quarter page ad on exhibitor page and schedule page);
- social media coverage (Threads, Instagram, and Facebook feeds).
- Festival booth (10×10)
- Recognition: Promotional mention/introduction of your company preceding each event in the sponsored room;
- Media: Opportunity to be featured on website blog with graphic pushed out across our social media channels.
Tent Crawl Sponsors
- Brand Exposure:
- Logo or book cover on tent crawl cards
- festival website (quarter page ad);
- social media coverage (Threads, Instagram, and Facebook feeds).
- Festival booth (10×10)
- Recognition:
Promotional mention/introduction of your company preceding one event and opportunity to introduce speaker(s)
- Media: Opportunity to be featured on post-festival Tent Crawl giveaway live stream (recorded and available on festival Facebook page)
Author Event Sponsors
- Brand Exposure: Company name/logo
- festival website (exhibitor page mention and schedule page).
- Official sponsor of one author event (logo displayed at the entrance)
- Interview in newsletter and social media
- social media (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook feeds).
- Recognition:
- Promotional mention/introduction of your company preceding and following your event
- opportunity to introduce the speaker.