October 8,2022 | 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Festival Schedule

Schedule is subject to change. Please check back prior to the festival for finalized schedule.

Coronado Performing Arts Center: Main Stage Theatre

Coronado High School

9:30 AM
Main Stage Theatre


2022 San Diego Writers Festival Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony with Taiko Drummers, Spoken Word by Gill Sotu, Awards and Welcome from Jeniffer Thompson, Marni Freedman, and Anastasia Zadeik-Hipkins

11:00 AM
Main Stage Theatre


SDWF Keynote Speaker Shilpi Somaya Gowda 

In conversation with Jeniffer Thompson, Shilpi Somaya Gowda, the 2022 SDWF Writer of the Year,  is the award-winning, New York Times and internationally bestselling Canadian author of Secret Daughter, The Golden Son, and The Shape of Family. Amazon Studios will produce the film adaptation of Secret Daughter, starring Priyanka Chopra and Sienna Miller, and directed by Anthony Chen.

12:00 PM
Main Stage Theatre


Unlocking the Poetry of All Things

Join our very own Poet-In-Residence Gill Sotu for a poetry and writing workshop that focuses on unlocking your creativity, effective poetic communication, and finding your voice, inspiration, and style in your writing.  Gill is a two-time Grand Slam Poetry Champion, two-time Raw Performing artist of the year, and a five-time TEDx San Diego presenter. Currently, he is a teaching artist and a commissioned playwright with The Old Globe Theatre & The La Jolla Playhouse and a guest teaching artist with the SD School of Creative and Performing Arts and the San Diego Symphony.


1:00 PM
Main Stage Theatre


KidsWrite! Awards

Join us as our amazing children, and teen poets and authors receive their certificates, cash prizes, and laptops! Come cheer on the next generation of talented writers!


1:30 PM
Main Stage Theatre


How to Write a Bestselling Mystery

Join Naomi Hirahara, Joe Ide, Gary Phillips, and moderator Matt Coyle as they delve into the “elementary” nature of mysteries and thrillers: how to write them, how to read them, and why we love them.

3:00 PM
Main Stage Theatre



Kristen Fogle of San Diego Writers Ink will lead writers in an engaging, thought-provoking prompt session. Bring your pens and paper!

Winn Room

Coronado Public Library

12:00 PM
Winn Room


How to Write a Breakthrough Memoir

Come hear authors Laura Engel, Keith Corbin, Lacy Crawford and Jesse Leon discuss memoirs that address changing times, struggles, and the poignant power of hope. Moderated by Marni Freedman. 

1:30 PM
Winn Room


NY Times Bestselling Author Qian Julie Wang

NY Times Bestselling Author and Featured Speaker Qian Julie Wang, in discussion with Marni Freedman. Wang’s Beautiful Country is a New York Times Bestseller, New York Times Notable Book of 2021, President Obamas Favorite Books of 2021, NPR Best Book List, Today Show Read with Jenna Pick.


3:00 PM
Winn Room


Being a Working Playwright

Learn from some of the top playwrights in San Diego what it takes to be a working playwright.  These three powerhouse writers and performers will discuss how to create a one-man show and take it Off Broadway, creating a new theater company, and what new plays need to make it in today’s market. They will also share their creative process.

4:00 PM
Winn Room


Storytelling as Radical Hope

Storytelling as Radical Hope with Karla Cordero, Estella Gonzalez, Manuel Paul Lopez, and Veronica Reyes.  Moderated by Dr. Philip Serrato, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. University of California, Riverside .

5:30 PM
Winn Room


A Celebration of 10 Years of She Writes Press with Brooke Warner

Join us for a party with nibbles, drinks, and selected readings.


John D. Spreckels Center (accessible via the library)

11:00 AM
Grand Room


The Art of the Interview with Dean Nelson – A Workshop

An interactive discussion based on Dean Nelson’s book, Talk to Me: How to Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers, and Interview Anyone Like a Pro

12:00 PM
Grand Room


The Real Deal with Joe Ide – A Workshop for Writers

Not your ordinary talk about tips, tricks, and secrets. Designed for aspiring writers who are serious about becoming a novelist, the class chronicles what Joe has learned on his rise from failed career after failed career to a successful, critically acclaimed author of the IQ series. 

Joe Ide is the SDWF Mystery Writer of the Year.


1:00 PM
Grand Room


Stellar Short Fiction

Steller Short Fiction with Aimee Bender, Jac Jemc, Ben Loory, and Maile Meloy (from Selected Shorts – Small Odysseys). Moderated by Tracy Jones.

2:00 PM
Grand Room


Social Justice and Food Writing as Metaphor

An honest and revealing conversation with Madhushree Ghosh (Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey of Food, Memory, and Family) and Keith Corbin (California Soul: An American Epic of Cooking and Survival). Moderated by Laura Cathcart Robbins.

 3:00 PM
Grand Room


How to Write a Novel in 20 Pies with Amy Wallen

How to Write a Novel in 20 Pies is a hybrid of memoir about Amy’s journey to write a novel (MoonPies & Movie Stars) and a how-to on perseverance to do the same. Of course, there are some pie recipes, Amy’s faves. Illustrations by Emil Wilson. Amy is the author of When We Were Ghouls, A Memoir of Ghost Stories. Her essays have been published in The Gettysburg Review, The Normal School, Country Living, and others. Her first novel MoonPies & Movie Stars, was a Los Angeles Times bestseller.

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

4:00 PM
Grand Room


Zibby Owens in Conversation with Anastasia Zadeik

Join Zibby and Anastasia as they discuss Zibby’s debut memoir, Bookends, and the world of a passionate book influencer, including Zibby’s roles as host of an award-winning podcast (Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books), columnist for Good Morning America, mom of four, and CEO of Zibby Owens Media, a privately-held media company designed to help busy people live their best lives by connecting to books and each other.



Coronado High School

11:00 AM
Blackbox Theatre


Workshop with Playwright Levy Lee Simon

Dynamic, vibrant playwright Levy Lee Simon will offer a masterclass in playwriting. Levy Lee is the 2022 SDWF Playwright of the Year!

12:00 PM
Blackbox Theatre


Screening of Award-Winning Ukrainian Film Bad Roads

Official submission of Ukraine for the ‘Best International Feature Film’ category of the 94th Academy Awards in 2022. After the screening, we will have a talkback with the film’s producer, Dmytro Minzyanov.

3:00 PM
Blackbox Theatre


Discussion with Kirsten Grind

Kirsten Grind, author of Happy at any Cost: The Revolutionary Vision and Fatal Quest of Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, in conversation with Justin Hudnell (founder of So Say We All), about the life and death of the entrepreneur, Las Vegas developer, and Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, who struggled with mental health issues and drug use before dying in a mysterious fire in 2020. The discussion will also cover general societal issues, such as the problems that come with focusing so much on happiness and the stigma of mental health in our culture.

4:00 PM
Blackbox Theatre


Challenges of Being a Journalist in 2022

Challenges of Being a Journalist in 2022 – with David Clary of the Union-Tribune, Kirsten Grind of the Wall Street Journal, and Dean Nelson, award-winning journalist and the director of the journalism program of Point Loma Nazarene University. Moderated by Rich Farrell

Classroom 503

Coronado High School – Building 500

12:00 PM
Classroom 503


Do it Yourself Book Publicity – with Marika Flatt

PR by the Book helps authors elevate their relevancy and create buzz. They do that through The Road to Influence, their suite of services that go well beyond traditional PR. Whether you’re sitting on a bestseller or your first literary endeavor, they have a solution that fits your needs.

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

 1:00 PM
Classroom 503


Writing to Heal in Times of Struggle

Madonna Treadway, Gina Schneider Ph.D., Tania Pryputniewicz, and Leah Brianna Aguirre LCSW. Moderated by Vincentia Schroeter. Grief, loss, and pain can sit in our bodies and cause us to have sleepless nights, to over or under eat, to abuse substances, or just feel out of balance. But there is an alternative, and that is using your writing as a way to express your unique experiences and heal the pain. Learn from four experts who have used writing as a guide to make it to the other side of the struggle.

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

2:00 PM
Classroom 503


Dare to Dive from the Highest Board – A Workshop

A Creative Workshop with Award-Winning Author and Speaker Zoe Ghahremani for new authors, want-to-be authors, and those who are sick of rejection letters. Zoe’s motto is, “Dare to start at the top, then work your way up!”  This inspiring workshop is for authors of all levels, especially those who are struggling with self-doubt. This workshop is the booster shot they need!

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

3:00 PM
Classroom 503


Shaking the Tree – Capturing Short Memoir

Come be entertained by short memoirs from the award-winning anthology, Shaking the Tree. The stories within these pages are awe-inspiring. Our authors bravely share their life-altering surprises and vulnerable moments no one ever saw coming in a series of collections that are thrilling, heartwarming, humorous, and moving.


San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

4:00 PM
Classroom 503


The Path to Publishing from Queries to Cover Art – A Presentation and Workshop with Laura Cathcart Robbins

In this workshop, Laura will cover everything from writing strategies to fighting for your (voice, story, cover art, subtitle, etc). You’ll also learn about things such as author’s platform-essentials, how to choose the right editor for your story, and tactics for asking your fellow authors to write those all-important blurbs.


San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

Classroom 504

Coronado High School – Building 500

11:00 AM
Classroom 504


Mind the Gap: Writing Plausible and Intriguing Historical Fiction

Mind the Gap: Writing plausible and intriguing Historical Fiction with Jennifer Coburn, Nicola Harrison, and Jill G. Hall. Moderated by Elizabeth St. John. Three historical fiction authors discuss their insights to writing compelling novels. Meet unforgettable characters in the glamorous world of the Ziegfield Follies in the 1920s, on a homestead in Northern Arizona’s Wild West in 1885, and at Heim Hochland, a WWII Nazi breeding home in Bavaria. Guided by these skillful authors, we’ll explore the secrets of successful historical fiction, where facts end and imagination takes over, and share life experiences and advice for aspiring historical fiction novelists.


San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

1:00 PM
Classroom 504


Reclaiming Our Stories

A panel with Leslie Furcron, Ahmad Mahmoud, and Anne Marie Ríos. Moderated by Khalid Alexander. Storytellers will recount organizing and participating in protests, suffering unwarranted police violence, managing family trauma, deaths, and disease of loved ones, serving as health workers in the middle of the pandemic, and sometimes simply sharing their personal reflections of day-to-day coping and pain. With this project, our goal was not only to document the turbulence and heat of this unprecedented moment but also to capture the bravery exhibited by so many among us.

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

4:00 PM
Classroom 504


Publishing Demystified – with Jared Kuritz

The publishing industry has never been more accessible. That is both good and bad news. With the floodgates open, the role of author, publisher, editor, agent, distributor and publicist have become blurred. And authors are inundated with conflicting information and new challenges. But more books are being produced and consumed at a greater rate than ever before. Join industry expert, Jared Kuritz, as he offers key insights on the state of the publishing industry, followed by an open Q&A session.


San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

Classroom 509

Coronado High School – Building 500 

11:00 AM
Classroom 509

Developing a Book Marketing Plan – A Panel

A Panel with Leslie Johansen Nack, Linda Moore, and Dave Putnam Moderated by Anastasia Zadeik.

Four authors will provide writers with detailed advice and clarify expectations for what is needed to market a book and share ideas for a creative and effective marketing plan. 

1:00 PM
Classroom 509


Author Branding and Your Book Marketing Roadmap

In this class, Jeniffer Thompson teaches you how to build your authority, design your personal style, and increase your online visibility, so your readers become invested in You. She shares practical tools for creating a sustainable author brand that will guide the next five years of your publishing career and easy-to-implement steps to highlight your brand story and elevate your author career. Plus, she reveals the three pillars of book marketing success and shows you how to get started today

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

3:00 PM
Classroom 509


There’s No Such Thing as “Self” Publishing – How to Publish Professionally

A panel with Jeniffer Thompson and Kirk Whisler – Moderated by Lee Wind. A rising tide of quality lifts all boats – if every independently published and hybrid-published book is indistinguishable in quality from those from the large corporate publishers, we can level the playing field and give every book a chance to be judged on its merits!

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

 4:00 PM
Classroom 509


On Revising

Authors Adalyn Grace (ALL THE STARS AND TEETH), Katie Keridan (REIGN RETURNED), and K.X. Song (AN ECHO IN THE CITY) will discuss their revision process from breaking through writer’s block to organizing edit plans. They will talk about the necessity of revision, how their stories change form and develop through multiple drafts, and how they receive feedback from critique partners, literary agents, and editors. They will compare their approaches to tackling revisions for different elements of story–setting, character, plot–as well as how their approaches differ based on the project genre and subject. This panel may be of interest to readers and writers with an interest in young adult literature.

San Diego Writers Festival Cofounder Jeniffer Thompson

Ruby Room – Kids Lit & Kids’ Programming

Coronado Public Library

10:30 AM
Ruby Room


Story Time with Award-winning Children’s Book Author Henry Herz

Join award-winning author Henry Herz as he reads from a selection of his popular children’s books Monster Goose Nursery Rhymes, 2 Pirates + 1 Robot and How the Squid Got Two Long Arms.

kids write reading

11:00 AM
Ruby Room


Art Class for Kids with Alonso Nunez & Vincentia Schroeter


Virginia Loh-Hagan photo

1:00 PM
Ruby Room


Kid Lit Experts Speak Out Against Book Banning

with Dr. Virginia Loh-Hagan, Lee Wind, and Moni Barrette. Did you know books are dangerous? Otherwise, why would people want to ban them? There has been and continues to be great effort put forth toward banning certain books. Recently, school districts are banning books about the LGBTQ+ community and about the Japanese American Incarceration. Join this panel of KidLit experts, including authors and librarians, as they discuss the implications and challenges of book banning for both authors and audiences.

Virginia Loh-Hagan photo

3:00 PM
Ruby Room


From the Heart: Writing for Middle Grade and YA Fiction From Our Deeply Personal Experiences

A discussion and Q and A for all ages about craft, process,Ideas, publication, and everything featuring bestselling authors Chris Baron, Jessica Kim, and Ernesto Cisneros. 


Chris Baron photo


Coronado High School

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Palapa in the Quad

Balloon Twisting & Face Painting with Frannie the Clown 

Join Frannie the Clown for fun, face painting, balloon twisting, and hysterical jokes. Don’t miss her talented fun, compliments of The San Diego Writers Festival (tips appreciated). You’ll love Frannie. 

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Live Music by Marie Haddad

Marie Haddad is a piano-based singer-songwriter from San Diego. Her latest release took home the award for Best Pop Album at the 2018 San Diego Music Awards. It’s been written that Marie has “a voice and lyrical landscape all her own” (San Diego Troubadour) whose voice “can hold your attention whatever she is singing” (North County Times). Her songwriting and piano style have been described as “somewhere between Kate Bush and Leonard Cohen” (San Diego Downtown News). Her songs have appeared on national television shows and movies, and music she created for a short film was awarded Best Musical Score at the 2019 48-hour Film Project, San Diego.

2:00 PM
meet at the Warwick’s booth

Writing in Nature with Julie Brams 

Meet Julie Brams, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Meditation teacher, and author of the upcoming book
The Nature-Embedded Mind: How the Way We Think Can Heal Our Planet and Ourselves at the Warwicks booth, and she will take you on a tour of the local nature and offer inspiring, thought-provoking nature-based writing prompts.

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